
  1. T. Xu, S. Koshizuka, Y. Inaba and Y. Gakuhari
    “An Explicit Incompressible Scheme Based on the MPS Method to Simulate Slump Flow”
    Computational Particle Mechanics (2024).


  1. S. Koshizuka,
    “The Role of Humans in Computational Mechanics ‒ Verification and Validation for Quality Management ‒”,
    16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 8th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vancouver, 21-26 July 2024, W240706
  2. R. Noggle, T. Xu, S. Koshizuka and T. Koyama
    Simulating Overturning Moments and Pile Resistance Capacity in Tsunami-Exposed Reinforced Concrete Buildings with MPS Method
    16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 8th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vancouver, 21-26 July 2024, W240153
  3. E. Ishii, T. Sano, T. Hosaka, S. Koshizuka, T. Matsunaga and K. Oyama
    “Application of Particle Method to Mixing Process Simulation”
    16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 8th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vancouver, 21-26 July 2024, W240158
  4. L. S. Pereira, L.-Y. Cheng, V. d. R. Yamauti, R. A. Amaro and S. Koshizuka
    “A study about the effects of inclined slats on sloshing mitigation in moonpool using Moving Particle Semi-implicit method and Virtual Grating modeling”
    4th International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM IV), Kitakyushu, 18-20 September 2024, OW9-05
  5. S. Koshizuka
    “Spiral Development of the Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method through Use-University-Vendor Collaboration” [Keynote]
    2024 SPHERIC Zhuhai International Workshop, Ahuhai, October 17-20, 2024
  6. Kazuya Shibata, Harufumi Sekine, Kenya Takahashi, Kuninori Nagai, Tatusya Mizuno, Takeshi Nishihata, and Hajime Yanagisawa,”Application of the 2D and 3D Coupled Multi-Resolution Particle Method to Water Wave Problems in Coastal Engineering”, WCCM 2024(the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics), Vancouver, British Clumbia, Canada, Jly 21-26, 2024
  7. Shu Hiramoto, Kazuya Shibata, Kyuya Matsumoto, Hideyo Negishi, and Masahiro Kondo, “Simulation of Pressure-Dependent Non-Newtonian Fluid Using the Moving Particle Hydrodynamics”, WCCM 2024(the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics), Vancouver, British Clumbia, Canada, Jly 21-26, 2024
  8. Kyuya Matsumoto, Shu Hiramoto, Masahiro Kondo, Tomohiro Sawada, “Particle suspension flow modeling in Moving Particle Hydrodynamics”, WCCM 2024(the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics), Vancouver, British Clumbia, Canada, Jly 21-26, 2024


  1. R. E. Noggle, S. Koshizuka and T. Koyama
    “Simulating Overturning Moments on RC Building in Tsunami with Particle Method”
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 東京, 2024.8.27-30, 20026.
  2. 中島慶悟, 小山毅, 越塚誠一
    “動的接触角モデルを導入したMPS 法による斜面を流れる液滴速度の解析”
    日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集, 東京, 2024.8.27-30, 40911.
  3. 中島慶悟, 小山毅, 越塚誠一
    “MPS法の表面張力モデルが鉛直壁 面水流速度の解析精度に与える影響”
    日本流体力学会年会2024, 仙台, 2024.9.25-27, 1M907-11-05.
  4. 瀧野瀨直人, 越塚誠一, 松永拓也, 小針達也, 吉村一樹, 保坂知幸, 佐藤航, 石井英二
    日本機械学会第37回計算力学講演会 (CMD2024), 仙台, October 18-20, 2024, OS-0504.
  5. 大山耕輔, 松永拓也, 越塚誠一, 小針達也, 吉村一樹, 保坂知幸, 佐藤航, 石井英二
    日本機械学会第37回計算力学講演会 (CMD2024), 仙台, October 18-20, 2024, OS-0503.