2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | Prizes | Press Release
- Z. Wang, F. Hu, G. Duan, K. Shibata and S. Koshizuka
“Numerical Modeling of Floating Bodies Transport for Flooding Analysis in Nuclear Reactor Building”
Nuclear Engineering and Design 341, 390-405 (2019). - T. Zhang, S. Koshizuka, P. Xuan, J. Li and C. Gong
“Enhancement of Stabilization of MPS to Arbitrary Geometries with a Generic Wall Boundary Condition”
Computers & Fluids 178, 88-112 (2019). - G. Duan, A. Yamajia and S. Koshizuka
“A Novel Multiphase MPS Algorithm for Modeling Crust Formation by Highly Viscous Fluid for Simulating Corium Spreading”
Nuclear Engineering and Design 343, 218-231 (2019). - Y. Michiwaki, T. Kamiya, T. Kikuchi, Y. Toyama, K. Hanyuu, M. Takai and S. Koshizuka
“Modelling of Swallowing Organs and Its Validation using Swallow Vision, a Numerical Swallowing Simulator”
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization 7(4), 374-381 (2019). - T. Kamiya, Y. Toyama, K. Hanyuu, M. Takai, T. Kikuchi, Y. Michiwaki and S. Koshizuka
“Numerical Investigation of Physical Values during Human Swallowing using a Three-dimensional Swallowing Simulator ‘Swallow Vision’ based on the Moving Particle Simulation Method”
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization 7(4), 382-388 (2019). - 松永拓也, 柴田和也, 越塚誠一
Transactions of JSCES, Paper No.20190012 (2019). - T. Hattori and S. Koshizuka
“Numerical Simulation of Droplet Behavior on an Inclined Plate using the Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method”
Mechanical Engineering Journal 6(5), No.19-00204 (2019). - G. Duan, A. Yamaji, S. Koshizuka and B. Chen
“The Truncation and Stabilization Error in Multiphase Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method Based on Corrective Matrix: Which Is Dominant?”
Computers & Fluids 190, 254-273 (2019). - 松永拓也, 越塚誠一, 保坂知幸, 石井英二
日本機械学会論文集 85, No.877, 19-00186 (2019). - A. Södersten, T. Matsunaga and S. Koshizuka
“Bucket-based multigrid preconditioner for solving pressure Poisson equation using a particle method”
Computers & Fluids 191, 104242 (2019).
- S. Koshizuka
“Guideline for Verification and Validation for Engineering Simulation” [panelist]
27th Int. Conf. Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-27), Tsukuba, May 19-24, 2019, Panel Session: Motivations for Verification & Validation Activities in Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis in Nuclear Systems, Panel 1-3 - S. Koshizuka
“Industrial Application of Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method for Fluid Dynamics” [plenary]
10th Int. Conf. on Computational Methods (ICCM2019), Singapore, July 9-13, 2019, PL3 - S. Koshizuka
“Particle Method Simulation for Tsunami Run-up and Flooding in Buildings”
7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019), Taipei, December 17-20, 2019, 0392 - T. Matsunaga, S. Koshizuka, T. Hosaka and E. Ishii
“Simulation of Surface Tension Flows Using a Particle Method with Moving Surface Mesh” [keynote]
7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019), Taipei, December 17-20, 2019, 0204
- 越塚誠一, 中島悠太郎
第24回計算工学講演会論文集, さいたま, May 29-31, 2019, A-09-02 - 福澤洋平, 富山秀樹, 福澤大輔, 越塚誠一
プラスチック成形加工学会第30回年次大会, 東京, June 12-13, 2019, E-106 - 越塚誠一
“Moving Particle Semi-implicit”法を用いた混相流解析の進展” [keynote]
混相流シンポジウム講演論文集 福岡, August 5-7, 2019, 0139. - 松永拓也, 越塚誠一, 石羽恭, 菊地康晴, 松田欣也, 竹中一博
日本機械学会第32回計算力学講演会 (CMD2019), 川越, September 16-18, 2019, 015. - 菊地貴博, 道脇幸博, 井上元幹, 高井めぐみ, 八尋恒隆, 外山義雄, 神谷哲, 越塚誠一
嚥下シミュレータSwallow Visionによる誤嚥の数値実験とその他の活用例
日本機械学会福祉工学シンポジウム2019(LIFE2019), 東京, September 12-14, 2019. - 原辰徳, ホーバック, 白藤翔平, 沖田泰良, 栗山幸久, 越塚誠一
第10回横幹連合コンファレンス, 長岡, Nov 30 – Dec 1, 2019
© Koshizuka-Shibata Lab.