2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | Prizes | Press Release
- F. Hu, Z. Wang, T. Tamai and S. Koshizuka
“Consistent Inlet and Outlet Boundary Conditions for Particle Methods”
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 92, 1-19 (2020). - T. Matsunaga, S. Koshizuka, T. Hosaka and E. Ishii
“Moving Surface Mesh-incorporated Particle Method for Numerical Simulation of a Liquid Droplet”
J. Comput. Phys. 409, 109349 (2020). - 油橋信宏, 越塚誠一
日本機械学会論文集 86, No.881, 19-00343 (2020). - 宮本柊吾, 越塚誠一
Trans. Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science, Paper No.20200010 (2020). - Y. Michiwaki, T. Kikuchi, T. Kamiya, Y. Toyama, M. Inoue, K. Hanyuu, M. Takai and S. Koshizuka
“Computational Modeling of Child’s Swallowing to Simulate Choking on Toys”
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization 8, 266-272 (2020). - T. Matsunaga, N. Yuhashi, K. Shibata and S. Koshizuka
“A wall boundary treatment using analytical volume integrations in a particle method”
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121, 4101-4133 (2020). - T. Matsunaga, A. Södersten, K. Shibata and S. Koshizuka
“Improved treatment of wall boundary conditions for a particle method with consistent spatial discretization”
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 358, 112624, January (2020). - Y. Mizuno and S. Koshizuka
“Gaussian Process Emulation of Particle Method for Estimating Free-surface Heights”
J. of Fluid Science and Technology 15(3), JFST0021 (2020). - 松永拓也
計算工学 25(1), 4018-4021 (2020). - 越塚誠一
日本機械学会誌 123(9), No.1222, 4-5 (2020). - 越塚誠一
日本機械学会誌 123(9), No.1222, 22-25 (2020).
- S. Koshizuka
“Particle Method for Incompressible Free-surface Flow” [invited]
17th Int. Conf. on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, October 28-30, 2020, FRA-2. - S. Koshizuka
“Numerical Simulation for Nuclear Plant Safety in Tsunami using Particle Method” [plenary]
3rd Int. Conf. on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), December 8-11, 2020, Kobe, PL1. - R. Itadani, T. Matsunaga, S. Koshizuka, K. Nagato, S. Morita, K. Nishiyachi and T. Shibuya
“A Surface Tension Model in LSMPS using Quadric Surface Fitting”
3rd Int. Conf. on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), December 8-11, 2020, Kobe, MS11-1-01. - Y. Mizuno and S. Koshizuka
“Gaussian Process Emulation of Particle Method for Tsunami Runup”
3rd Int. Conf. on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), December 8-11, 2020, Kobe, MS11-2-01. - A. Södersten, T. Matsunaga and S. Koshizuka
“Bucket-based Multigrid Method to Solve Pressure Poisson Equation in Particle Method”
3rd Int. Conf. on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems (COMPSAFE2020), December 8-11, 2020, Kobe, MS11-1-02.
- 越塚誠一
“Society5.0におけるデジタルツインの不確かさを含めたV&V” []
日本機械学会2020年度年次大会 先端技術フォーラム「Society5.0を支える計算情報科学基盤の深化と進展」 Online, September 13-16, 2020, F01108. - 越塚誠一
“粒子法を用いた自由表面流れと混相流のシミュレーションの現状と展望” [展望講演]
化学工学会第51回秋季大会 Online, September 24-26, 2020, N101.
© Koshizuka-Shibata Lab.