
  1. S. Miyamoto and S. Koshizuka
    “Unified Wall Boundary Treatment for Fluid-rigid Body Strong Coupling in a Particle Method”
    Mechanical Engineering Journal 10(5), 23-00127 (2023).


  1. Y. Imakiire, T. Matsunaga, S. Koshizuka, K. Yamauchi, E. Takeda, K. Takenaka, Y. Ishiba, E. Miyasaka and Y. Kikuchi
    “Simulation of Mixing Flows using Particle Exchange Technique in Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method”
    8th Int. Conf. on Particle-based Methods (Particles2023), Milan, October 9-11, 2023
  2. I. Saigo and S. Koshizuka
    “MPS-Based Shallow Water Simulation with Particle Splitting for Tsunami Runup”
    8th Int. Conf. on Particle-based Methods (Particles2023), Milan, October 9-11, 2023
  3. Taro Kaito, Kazuya Shibata, Takeshi Takanashi and Naoyuki Yasuda, “Numerical analysis of liquid ring pump by the MPS method”, Particle 2023, Milan, Italy, 9-11 October 2023
  4. Harufumi Sekine, Kazuya Shibata, Kenya Takahashi ,Hiroshi Sanuki , Kuninori Nagai, Tatusya Mizuno and Takeshi Nishihata, “Numerical analysis of the movement of wave-dissipating blocks due to water waves by a multi-resolution particle method”, Particle 2023, Milan, Italy, 9-11 October 2023
  5. Shu Hiramoto, Kazuya Shibata, Hideyo Negishi, Shingo Obara and Masahiro Kondo, “Hard Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis Method Using a Particle Method”, Particle 2023, Milan, Italy, 9-11 October 2023
  6. Kyuya Matsumoto, Kazuya Shibata, Hideyo Negishi, Kazuaki Maniwa, Shingo Obara and Masahiro Kondo, “Gaseous Cavitation Model for Hydrodynamic Lubrication Simulation by a Particle Method”, Particle 2023, Milan, Italy, 9-11 October 2023


  1. 西郷伊織, 越塚誠一
    第28回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, May 31-June 2, 2023, E-13-03
  2. 越塚誠一
    第28回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, May 31-June 2, 2023, A-09-04
  3. Q. Cai, S. koshizuka, R. Chen, W. Tian, S. Qiu and G. Su
    “An Enhanced Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method for Simulation of Incompressible Fluid Flow and Fluid-structure Interaction”
    日本原子力学会2023年秋の大会, 名古屋, September 6-8, 2023, 3G06
  4. T. Xu, S. Koshizuka and Y. Inaba
    日本機械学会第36回計算力学講演会 (CMD2023), 豊橋, October 25-27, 2023, OS-0501.
  5. 高木駿作, 松永拓也, 越塚誠一, 福澤洋平
    日本機械学会第36回計算力学講演会 (CMD2023), 豊橋, Octiber 25-27, 2023, OS-0502.