2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | Prizes | Press Release
K. Shibata, I. Masaie, M. Kondo, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka
“Improved Pressure Calculation for the Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method”
Comput. Part. Mech. 2, 91-108 (2015), DOI 10.1007/s40571-015-0039-6 (2015) -
N. Mitsume, S. Yoshimura, K. Murotani, T. Yamada
“Explicitly Represented Polygon Wall Boundary Model for Explicit-MPS Method”
Computational Particle Mechanics 2(1), 73-89 (2015) -
A. Regmi, H. Shintaku, T. Sasaki and S. Koshizuka
“Flow Simulation and Solidification Phenomena of AC4CH Aluminum Alloy in Semi-solid Forging Process by Explicit MPS Method”
Comput. Part. Mech. 2(3), 223-232 (2015). -
T. Matsunaga, K. Shibata, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka
“Hybrid Grid-Particle Method for Fluid Mixing Simulation”
Comput. Part. Mech. 2(3), 233-246 (2015). -
T. Kikuchi, Y. Michiwaki, T. Kamiya, Y. Toyama, T. Tamai and S. Koshizuka
“Human Swallowing Simulation Based on Videofluorography Images using Hamiltonian MPS Method”
Comput. Part. Mech. 2(3), 247-260 (2015). -
油橋信宏, 松田一郎, 越塚誠一
“Moving Particle Semi-implicit法を用いた回転流れによって生じるトルクの予測と評価”
Trans. JSCES, Paper No.20150007 (2015) -
G. Duan, S. Koshizuka and B. Chen
“A Contoured Continuum Surface Force Model for Particle Methods”
J. Comput. Phys. 298, 280-304 (2015) -
K. Murotani, I. Masaie, T. Matsunaga, S. Koshizuka, R. Shioya, M. Ogino and T. Fujisawa
“Performance Improvements of Differential Operators Code for MPS Method on GPU”
Comput. Part. Mech. 2(3), 261-272 (2015). -
Y. Zhang, S. Koshizuka, K. Shibata, K. Murotani and E. Ishii
“Improved Wall Weight Function with Polygon Boundary in Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method”
Trans. JSCES, Paper No.20150012 (2015) -
“粒子法による流体シミュレーションの現状 ―手法開発から応用展開まで―”
金属 85(11), 888-893 (2015) -
K. Shibata, S. Koshizuka, K. Murotani, M. Sakai and I. Masaie
“Boundary Conditions for Simulating Karman Vortices Using the MPS Method”
J. Adv. Simulat. Sci. Eng. 2(2), 235-254 (2015)
K. Hagita, M. Omiya, T. Honda, K. Murotani and M. Ogino
“Study of Efficient Data Compression by JHPCN-DF”
Annual Meeting on Advanced Computing System and Infrastructure (ACSI2015), Tsukuba, January 26-28, 2015 -
S. Koshizuka, S. Kaito, T.Tamai, K. Murotani and K. Shibata
“High Viscosity Flow Analysis Using Moving Particle Simulation Method” [keynote]
The 18th Int. Conf. on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2015), Taipei, March 16-18, 2015, T-001 -
C. Chen, T. Tamai, K. Shibata and S. Koshizuka
“Simulation of Endolymph Flow Dynamics in the Human Semicircular Canals Based on Magnetic Resonance Images Using the Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method”
The 18th Int. Conf. on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2015), Taipei, March 16-18, 2015, D-001 -
T. Tamai and S. Koshizuka
“Convergence Study and Recent Advances of Least Square Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method”
The 18th Int. Conf. on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2015), Taipei, March 16-18, 2015, T-003 -
N. Mitsume, S. Yoshimura, K. Murotani and T. Yamada
“Large-Scale Palallel Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation Using MPS-FE Partitioned Coupled Method”
The 18th Int. Conf. on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF2015), Taipei, March 16-18, 2015, E-002 -
S. Koshizuka, K. Murotani, K. Shibata and T. Fujisawa
“Recent Development of Moving Particle Simulation and Application to Industrial Problems” [presentation only]
3rd German-Japanese Workshop on Computational Mechanics, M?nchen, March 30-31, 2015 -
S. Koshizuka, K. Shibata, K. Murotani and T. Fujisawa
“Industrial Application of Moving Particle Simulation Method” [keynote]
1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM2015), April 27-29, 2015, Buenos Aires, a215 -
T. Tamai, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka
“Fundamental Study of Moving Particle eXpricit (MPX) Method”
1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM2015), April 27-29, 2015, Buenos Aires, a276 -
M. Yokoyama, Y. Seta, K. Murotani and G. Yagawa
“3D simulation considering surface condition of wall in particle method”
Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering VI, Venice, May 18-20, 2015. -
T. Yamada, N. Mitsume, S. Yoshimura and K. Murotani
“Large scale parallel MPS-FE fluid structure interaction simulation system using adventure_solid and LexADV_EMPS”
Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering VI, Venice, May 18-20, 2015. -
X. Song, K. Shibata, S. Koshizuka and Y. Nihei
“MPS Simulation of Wave Force Acting on a Cylinder”
Proc. 25th Int. Ocean and Polar Eng. Conf. (ISOPE), Hawaii, June 21-26, 2015, p.1241-1246 -
A. Takei, K. Murotani, S. Sugimoto, M. Ogino and H. Kawai
“High-accuracy electromagnetic field simulation using numerical human body models”
20th Int. Conf. Computation of Electromagnetic Fields (COMPUMAG2015), Montreal, June 28 – July 2, 2015. -
K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka
“Distributed Parallel Large-Scale MPS-FE Fluid-Structure Interaction Coupled Analysis for Tsunami Analysis on Urban Area” (abstract)
6th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2015), Auckland, July 14-17, 2015, 426 -
S. Koshizuka, R. Shini, T. Okura, C. Chen and T. Kikuchi
“Biomechanics of Soft Tissues using Moving Particle Simulation” [Thematic Plenary Lecture] (abstract)
6th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2015), Auckland, July 14-17, 2015, 487 -
Y. Wada, K. Murotani, M. Ogino, H. Kawai and R. Shioya
“High resolution visualization library for Exa-scale supercomputer”
Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis (MEIS2015), Fukuoka, September 25-27, 2015 -
F. Hu, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka
“Real-time Sampling of Particle-based Data for Surface Extraction”
Abstract 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES2015), September 28-30, 2015, Barcelona, a77 -
T. Tamai and S. Koshizuka
“Conservative Particle System”
Abstract 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES2015), September 28-30, 2015, Barcelona, a168 -
T. Matsunaga, K. Shibata, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka
“Simulation of Passive Scalar Transport Using Hybrid Grid-Particle Method with Improved Particle Shifting Approach”
Abstract 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES2015), September 28-30, 2015, Barcelona, a223 -
S. Koshizuka, S. Kaito, Y. Kikuchi, M. Kujime, Y. Ishiba and A. Horiguchi
“Development of a Deaeration Model for Stirred Tank Analysis in Moving Particle Simulation Method”
Abstract 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES2015), September 28-30, 2015, Barcelona, a416 -
R. Shino, T. Tamai, S. Koshizuka, A. Maki and T. Ishikawa
“Numerical Analysis of Anisotropic High Viscosity Fluid for Press Molding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermo Plastic”
Abstract 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES2015), September 28-30, 2015, Barcelona, a417 -
M. Yokoyama, K. Murotani, O. Mochizuki and G. Yagawa
“Numerical and experimental study on splash formation with consideration of the surface condition of solid wall”
Abstract 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES2015), September 28-30, 2015, Barcelona -
T. Tamai and S. Koshizuka
“A Structure Preserving Meshfree Spatial Discretization Scheme”
Abstract of the 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-III), Tokyo, October 12-14, 2015, p.139 -
K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka
“Large-scale Zoom-up Tsunami Analysis by Distributed Memory Parallel Explicit MPS Method”
Abstract of the 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-III), Tokyo, October 12-14, 2015, p.144 -
N. Mitsume, T. Yamada, S. Yoshimura and K. Murotani
“Wave Force Computation on Structures Using Finite Element Shape Function in Particle Methods”
Abstract of the 3rd International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM-III), Tokyo, October 12-14, 2015 -
S. Koshizuka and K. Murotani
“Large-scale Tsunami Run-up Analysis using Moving Particle Simulation”
Abstract of the 2nd Japan-Spain Workshop on Computational Mechanics, Tokyo, October 15, 2015 -
K. Zhao, N. Sakamoto, K. Koyamada, S. Tanaka, K. Murotani and S. Koshizuka
“Volume Rendering for 3D Scattered data with Interactive Particle-based Rendering”
The 15th Asia Simulation Conference 2015, Jeju, November 4-7, 2015. -
S. Koshizuka
“Particle Method: a Lagrangian Meshless Method for Computational Fluid Dyamics” [invited]
Abstracts of Int. Workshop on the Multi-Phase Flow; Analysis, Modeling and Numerics, Waseda, November 10-13, 2015, p.6 -
K. Murotani, S. Koshizuka, M. Ogino and R. Shioya
“Development of Explicit Moving Particle Simulation Framework and Zoom-up Tsunami Analysis System” [poster]
SC15, Regular Poster, post131s1, Austin, November 15-20, 2015
道脇幸博, 菊地貴博, 越塚誠一, 神谷哲, 外山義雄, 長田尭, 神野暢子, 髙井めぐみ
日本機械学会第27回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 新潟, January 9-10, 2015, 15-16 -
菊地貴博, 道脇幸博, 越塚誠一, 神谷哲, 外山義雄, 長田尭, 神野暢子, 髙井めぐみ
日本機械学会第27回バイオエンジニアリング講演会, 新潟, January 9-10, 2015, 17-18 -
柴田和也, 室谷浩平, 越塚誠一
弥生研究会「第19回粒子法研究会」, UTNL-R-0490, 東京, February 27, 2015, p.249-295 -
室谷浩平, 越塚誠一, 永井英一, 藤澤智光, 安重晃
日本原子力学会2015年春の年会, 日立, March 20-22, 2015, I15, p.343 -
越塚誠一, 山下正弘, 鈴木雅秀, 関村直人
日本原子力学会2015年春の年会, 標準委員会セッション3(システム安全専門部会, リスク専門部会合同), 日立, March 20-22, 2015, BC12, p.786-789 -
X. Song, K. Shibata, Y. Nihei and S. Koshizuka
“MPS Simulation of the Wave Force Acting on a Cylinder in Regular Waves”
日本船舶海洋工学会講演会論文集 20, 神戸, May 25-26, 2015, p.233-236 -
柴田和也, 政家一誠, 光頼幹, 室谷浩平, 越塚誠一
日本船舶海洋工学会講演会論文集 20, 神戸, May 25-26, 2015, p.237-238 -
T. Zhang, S. Koshizuka, K. Shibata, K. Murotani and E. Ishii
“An Improvement of the Wall Boundary Condition Represented by Polygons in Particle Method”
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-3-2 -
松永拓也, 柴田和也, 室谷浩平, 越塚誠一
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-3-3 -
服部豪, 新間敦, 越塚誠一
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-3-5 -
山西雄士, 柴田和也, 室谷浩平, 越塚誠一
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-3-6 -
油橋信宏, 松田一郎, 越塚誠一
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-4-1 -
近藤毅, 柴田和也, 室谷浩平, 越塚誠一, 政家一誠
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-4-2 -
志野亮作, 玉井佑, 越塚誠一, 真木晶, 石川健
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-4-3 -
福澤洋平, 富山秀樹, 柴田和也, 越塚誠一
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-4-4 -
南日泰俊, 室谷浩平, 柴田和也, 越塚誠一
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-5-2 -
室谷浩平, 越塚誠一, 塩谷隆二, 荻野正雄, 永野英一, 藤澤智光, 安重晃
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, B-5-4 -
道脇幸博, 菊地貴博, 神谷哲, 外山義雄, 神野暢子, 高井めぐみ, 長田尭, 越塚誠一
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015, C-3-1 -
淀薫, 塩谷隆二, 荻野正雄, 室谷浩平
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015 -
和田義孝, 河合浩志, 荻野正雄, 室谷浩平, 塩谷隆二
第20回計算工学講演会論文集, つくば, June 8-10, 2015 -
趙コン, 坂本尚久, 小山田耕二, 田中覚, 室谷浩平, 越塚誠一
第43回可視化情報シンポジウム, 東京, July 21-22, 2015 -
菊地貴博, 道脇幸博, 越塚誠一, 羽生圭吾, 神谷哲, 外山義雄
第21回日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会, 京都, September 11-12, 2015, p.422 -
玉井佑, 越塚誠一
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 031 -
F. Hu, T. Matsunaga, T. Tamai and S. Koshizuka
“A Convection Scheme for Incompressible Flows by Particle Method”
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 062 -
柴田和也, 越塚誠一, 政家一誠
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 066 -
松永拓也, 柴田和也, 室谷浩平, 越塚誠一
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 086 -
服部豪, 越塚誠一
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 097 -
室谷浩平, 越塚誠一, 塩谷隆二, 荻野正雄, 永井英一, 藤澤智光, 安重晃
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 130 -
淀薫, 塩谷隆二, 荻野正雄, 室谷浩平
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015 -
横山真男, 室谷浩平, 矢川元基
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015 -
志野亮作, 玉井佑, 越塚誠一, 真木晶, 石川健
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 133 -
菊地貴博, 道脇幸博, 越塚誠一, 神谷哲, 外山義雄, 羽生圭吾
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 149 -
横山真男, 室谷浩平, 矢川元基
日本機械学会第28回計算力学講演会 (CMD2015), 横浜, October 10-12, 2015, 213 -
“粒子法による流体シミュレーションの現状” [invited]
第24回素材工学研究懇談会「材料科学におけるシミュレーション技術の活用」, 仙台, November 11-12, 2015, pp.4-9 -
柴田和也, 政家一誠, 越塚誠一
日本船舶海洋工学会秋季講演会講演論文集, 東京, November 16-17, 2015, p.109-111 -
“分散メモリ並列粒子法ライブラリの開発とズームアップ津波遡上解析システムの構築” [invited]
第5回 計算力学シンポジウム, 東京, December 7, 2015 -
福澤洋平, 重石高志, 宗正和美, 富山秀樹, 山井三亀夫, 越塚誠一
第29回数値流体力学シンポジウム, 春日, December 15-17, 2015, C07-2