Physics-based Computer Graphics

    Combination of computer simulation and computer graphics. Particle methods are mainly focused on.


    ・Computer graphics based on particle simulation (fluid, solid, rigid-body, membrane)

    ・Fast simulation algorithms for movies

    ・Virtual surgery

    ・Particle simulation using medical images

    ・Fast simulation using GPU

    ・Disaster simulation in real landscape


Computer Simulation

    New algorithms, new schemes


    ・MPS (Moving Particle Semi-implicit) method, MPS-MAFL

    ・Symplectic schemes

    ・Particle method for structure analysis involving large deformation and large rigid-body motion

    ・Fast algorithm for computer graphics

    ・DEM (Distinct Element Method) multi-scale analysis

    ・Patrticle method for rigid-body dynamics

    ・Particle methods for membrane and shell

    ・Simulation for human body motion

    ・Parallel processing and large-scale simulation for particle methods


Computer simulation for complex phenomena


    ・Fluid dynamics: collapse of a water column, wave breaking, jet, droplet

    ・Thermal-hydraulics: boiling, flow with phase change

    ・Solid dynamics: fracture, large deformation, shell, membrane, bio, head

    ・Fluid-structure interaction: fluid-shell, fluid-membrane (red blood cell), fluid-solid (blood vessel)

    ・Powder flow: nuclear fuel, land slide, stone


Computer simulation for engineering applications


    ・Wave load analysis on ships

    ・Optimization design tool for micro total analysis system

    ・Efficiency improvement of fuel cells

    ・Enhancing performance and safety of nuclear power plants


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